es Libri in Inglese - Yume Shop (Fonds Itsuo Tsuda)

Libri in Inglese Ci sono 9 prodotti.

Mostrando 1 - 9 di 9 articoli
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    18,00 € Disponibile

    “Europeans can only act if they understand the reason why beforehand. Hence the need for a development in the realm of thought. This work may prove interesting because, if Europeans understand, other people will follow.There is a world of difference between having a map with the water sources marked on it and actually quenching one's thirst there.” Itsuo...

    18,00 €
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    20,00 € Disponibile

    “The area in which the West has made its precious contribution to humanity is Evidence. Today, we are in a transition period, the century of uncertainty, in which values solidly entrenched for centuries are being questioned. (...) Indeed, nothing about the aspects of ki is obvious. When they become obvious, they cease to be ki and fall into categories."...

    20,00 €
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    20,00 € Disponibile

    "By choosing this somewhat absurd title, The Science of the Particular, I've unintentionally challenged Aristotie's saying that there is no science but of the general. […] And yet a conclusion drawn from general data is of no help when it cornes to knowing exactly what occurs in a particular case, at the vert' moment when this issue takes on vital...

    20,00 €
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    20,00 € Disponibile

    "As a component of society, individuals struggle with structure,whether they like it or not. Can the acquisition of power givethem a chance of fulfilment? Over time, only our way of life haschanged. All problems remain unchanged, including life anddeath. No “recipe” can be valid as long as the Individual doesnot feel alive."

    20,00 €
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    20,00 € Disponibile

    “This awakening does not come as the result of mental speculations ormoralizing agressions. At one point, when one is not expecting it, thedoor opens and the dialogue begins in silence.”

    20,00 €
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    20,00 € Disponibile

    “It is certainly not easy to free oneself from the hold of the past and to face the present. What I am trying to do is to direct your attention to the unsuspected richness of our unconscious being.”

    20,00 €
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    20,00 € Disponibile

    “I suspect that The Way of the Gods will perhaps be an infringement on the rationalism that prevails in the West.”

    20,00 €
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    20,00 € Disponibile

    “We apply all sorts of grids to form a judgment. Science is one of them. If we abandon these grids for a moment, we can see better what man actually is. Not what he should be, but what he really is.” Itsuo Tsuda

    20,00 €
Mostrando 1 - 9 di 9 articoli